Our drive to always go one step further is deeply rooted –
we aim to be even faster, even more precise and to adapt
even better to changing requirements. From development
to adaptation and service, our Marine Hypercraft exudes an
emotional attitude to life that combines technical sophistication
with the finest craftsmanship. It can be felt the very first time
you set eyes on it – not to mention the first time you take it
for a ride.
The digital cockpit
with integrated GPS
provides the rider
with all important
information without
distracting from the
The digital cockpit
with integrated GPS
provides the rider
with all important
information without
distracting from the
The dynamics in every
single detail are what
make the Burrasca a
vision that leaves all
others in the dust,
even when not
The stern combines
precision, dynamics
and design –
the competition
deserves to have a
nice view, after all.